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Fees 2026 / 2027

All fees are payable at the time of your booking. The fee stated includes the Registrar's attendance plus two certificates for marriage and civil partnership.  To check availability or book a ceremony please contact our ceremonies team on 01494 475092.

The fees below are valid between 1 April 2026 to 31 March 2027. 

Civil Marriage & Civil Partnership at an Approved Venue (Ruby)

Monday to Saturday - £795

Sunday and Bank Holiday - £853

Out of Hours Fee 

between 5:30pm and 7pm on a Friday & Saturday, additional fee - £314

Civil Marriage & Civil Partnership (Sapphire)

Monday to Saturday - £498

Sunday and Bank Holidays - £686

Civil Marriage & Civil Partnership (Emerald)

Monday at Beaconsfield at 10am and 10:45am - £376

Thursday at Aylesbury at 10.00am and 10.45am - £376

Civil Marriage & Civil Partnership (Topaz)

Wednesday at High Wycombe at 10:15am, 11am and 11:45am - £219

Tuesday at Aylesbury at 10:00am, 10:45am and 11:30am - £219

Civil Marriage & Civil Partnership (Pearl)

First Tuesday of each month at Buckinghamshire Register Office (Aylesbury) only - £81

Other Ceremonies 

Renewal of Vows / Commitment / Celebratory / Naming / Civil Partnership Conversion

Approved Venue

Monday to Saturday - £460

Sunday and Bank Holiday - £632

Non Approved Venue 

Monday to Saturday - £614 plus an Inspection Fee**

Sunday and Bank Holiday - £792 plus an Inspection Fee**

Inspection Fee** - £276

**Inspection Fee includes a site visit to assess suitability